Saturday, July 10, 2010

Boredom. Beer. and..............................a seat.

It was great to have Jimmy home after he'd been gone the week so we got a reat ride in today. Instead of reposting something, here's a link to his blog from todays ride-

Once we got home and ate, Jimmy was out the door for a nite with his friends. Now it's still early, so what to do? Well, I got beer and a seat. Time to make a seat, lol! I like my Mustang seat alot, it's great for long days in the saddle, but for shorter, solo, runs I'd like something a little thinner, a little lower. With the price of seats, it's gonna be a while before I spend the bucks, so I made my own solo seat.

Started out with the stock seat for my '06 XL1200C-

Stipped the cover and foam off it and went after it with Jimmy's dremmel tool-

Not alot left of the stock pan-

I didn't use anything fancy on this, it's just a short hop seat. I used what I had laying around, some crappy old memory foam, the egg carton looking stuff, it's pretty thin so I used 2 layers.
Now I needed a cover of some sort. I didn't have leather or vinyl to sacrifice and I'm too cheap to go buy some. Why not use the next best thing, one of my old Army fatigue tops! I just cut the back out of it, plenty of material, it's not waterproof, but oh well, ya can't have everything!

After some cutting, stapling, and beer, I got a new solo seat! Nice low profile, hopefully comfy enough for short trips. Not bad for my 1st seat and it was free, lol!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a few miles on it and see if it's back to the drawing board or not.

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