Sunday, October 28, 2012


There's no denying it. It's here. Nice 80* days are history till next year, just like the leaves on the trees, fall is here with winter fast on it's heels. With a predicted high of 56* and sunny, I broke out my fall gear and headed out, time to get used to the cooler weather and take advantage of a clear sunny day. It was a brisk 45* when I left the house, but it doesn't seem so bad when your protected by a windshield, lowers, and chaps on the crash bar.

1st stop- the Veterans Memorial in Clifton Kansas-

After about 70 miles of back-roads I stopped at the Fancy Creek area of Tuttle Creek Lake.

In the 3 pics above you see a channel of water and a huge open area of brush and saplings behind the channel. Not pictured is a bridge that spans that area that we refer to as the Mile Long Bridge. 22 years ago, when I was stationed on Ft. Riley I drove across that bridge and there were people water skiing in that area pictured above. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another Miracle

I've been neglecting this blog, but since last time we have been blessed with a little miracle. On Sept. 6th Charlotte Adair Fickbohm joined us in this world!
Me and my Princess

Such long little legs!

My wife and the Princess